Paul Hillery
Paul is the ‘hands-on’ director and was born in Bowen and raised his family here. He started BIH in 2008, and has grown the company through years of hard work and dedication to the growth of our regional area with a strong commitment to the community, and employment of locals.
Paul has a passion for the upskilling of the indigenous community. Through our relationship with Girudala, we have enabled local indigenous trainees to complete programs, where they experience working with every business line over a 12-month period. At the end of this period, the trainees have the skills to remain with BIH in their chosen area where possible, or to move onto other employment.
In addition to this, Paul is an ambassador for ‘Real Mates Talk’. This mental health initiative is targeted to the region to prevent suicide attempts and deaths in our community and support them to connect with others and live well.